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National Plan for Vacation Day

Today is one of our favorite Days of the Year: National Plan for Vacation Day.

Did you know that 52% of US employees did not use all of their vacation days by the end of the year? That's 705 Million unused vacation days left on the table. PTO and Vacation days are EARNED by you, so make sure you use them! Make 2019 the year you travel more!

Benefits of planning for a vacation:

  • Effectively use all of the PTO/vacation days that you've earned

  • Increase Happiness

  • Reduce Stress

  • Provides you something to look forward to while you're working

What can you enjoy when you go on vacation?

  • Strengthens personal relationships

  • Promotes better health

  • Feeds your wanderlust

  • Allows you to challenge yourself - try new activities, foods, etc.

  • Helps you recharge, relax, de-stress

  • Allows you to heal

  • Sparks creativity and sharpens the mind

  • Opens your eyes to our vast and beautiful world

Taking time off is linked to increased productivity, self-growth and awareness, enhanced happiness at work and at home, a positive outlook, better professional and personal relationships, increased mindfulness and gratitude.

It's a new year and it's time for a new adventure (or 3). Not sure where or how to plan your next vacation? Give us a call at 571.338.0408 or contact us to get started. Let's celebrate National Plan for Vacation Day together!

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